ძუნწმა კაცმა თაფლი გასცა, უკან გაჰყვა ლოკვითაო

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The Devil was sick, the devil a monk (a saint) would be; the devil was well, the devil of a monk (a saint) was he .

When the devil was sick, a monk was he; when the devil was well, the devil of a monk was he.

Ask a kite for a feather and she will say she has but just enough to fly with (Br.).

If he had the ‘flu, he wouldn’t give you a sneeze (Br.).

You cannot get blood from (out of) a stone (Am., Br.).

You cannot get blood from a turnip (Am.)

Avarice is the old man’s sin (Am., Br.).

Old birds are hard to pluck (Br.).

The older the bird, the more unwillingly it parts with its feathers (Br.).

The older the crab, the tougher his claws (Am.).

The older the goose, the harder to pluck (Br.)

L’avare, qui se refuse tout pour augmenter son trésor, ressemble à l’abeille qui ne s’épuise que pour les autres.

Скупой мед подарил, а сам, облизываясь, следом пошел (досл.).

Сладкого не досыта, горького не допьяна.

Видал, как мужик мед едал – ин мне не дал.

Den Geiz und die Augen kann niemand füllen.

Geiz wird nicht satt, bevor er nicht den Mund voll Erde hat.

Den Geizhals und ein fettes Schwein sieht man im Tod erst nützlich sein.

Den Geiz und die Augen kann niemand füllen.

Geiz wird nicht satt, bevor er nicht den Mund voll Erde hat.

Den Geizhals und ein fettes Schwein sieht man im Tod erst nützlich sein.

Cimri diğer bir adama bal verdi ve bundan dolayı çok ıstırap çekmıştı.


عزومه وزحومه وطبيخ بلا لحمه    ( სირ. / ლიბან.)

بين عذرك ولا تبين بخلك     (იორდან.)

خسر بطنك ولا تخرسش أكلك    (ეგვიპტ.)

رز البخيل برغل     (ლიტ. / სირ.)

البخيل بياكل من جلده        (ერაყ.)

هو في بيته حريك (حريق) يتّصل بالشرطه “مس كول”    (ერაყ.)