ძუნწი კაცი კვდებოდა და თქვა: ღმერთო, მომარჩინე და დღეში თუმანს შევჭამო

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The Devil was sick, the devil a monk (a saint) would be; the devil was well, the devil of a monk (a saint) was he .

When the devil was sick, a monk was he; when the devil was well, the devil of a monk was he.

Ask a kite for a feather and she will say she has but just enough to fly with (Br.).

If he had the ‘flu, he wouldn’t give you a sneeze (Br.).

You cannot get blood from (out of) a stone (Am., Br.).

You cannot get blood from a turnip (Am.)

Avarice is the old man’s sin (Am., Br.).

Old birds are hard to pluck (Br.).

The older the bird, the more unwillingly it parts with its feathers (Br.).

The older the crab, the tougher his claws (Am.).

The older the goose, the harder to pluck (Br.)

L’avare qui fait argent de tout est la plus mauvaise pièce de son trésor.

Скупой умирал да Бога молил: Господи, исцели, и в день на десятку буду съедать (досл.).

Скупые, что пчелы: мед собирают, да сами умирают.

В могилу глядит, а над копейкой дрожит.

Mancher geizt um Pfennige und wirft Taler weg.

Geld macht nicht glücklich.

Beim Geiz ist wenig Glück.

Der Geiz ist seine eigene Stiefmutter.

Der Geizige lässt kein Licht an seinem Lichte.

Geiz ist die Wurzel  allen  Übels.

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ما هو إلا سحابة ناصحة    (ლიტ.)

خسر بطنك ولا تخرسش أكلك      (ეგვიპტ.)

رز البخيل برغل     (ლიტ. / სირ.)

البخيل بياكل من جلده     (ერაყ.)

بين عذرك ولا تبين بخلك     (იორდან.)

عزومه وزحومه وطبيخ بلا لحمه    ( სირ. / ლიბან.)