წიწილებს შემოდგომაზე ითვლიან

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To count one’s chicken before they are hatched.

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

Catch the fish before you fry it (Br.).

Count not four, except you have them in the wallet (till they be in the bag)(Br.).

Do not boast of a thing until it is done (Br.).

Do not fish in front of a net (Am.).

Don’t clean your fish before you catch it (Am.).

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched (Am., Br.).

Don’t eat the calf in the ow’s belly (Br.).

Draw your salary before spending it (Am.).

First catch your hare (Am., Br.).

First catch your hare, then cook him (Br.).

First catch your hare, then cook it (Am.).

First catch your rabbit and then make the stew (Am.).

It is ill fishing before the net (Br.).

It is ill prizing of green barley (Br.).

Make not your sauce till you have caught your fish (Am.).

Never spend your money before you have it (Am., Br.)

Compter son poulet avant qu’ils ne soient hachurés.

Il ne faut pas vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué.

C’est viande mal prête que lièvre en buisson.

En la fin se chante la gloire.

Цыплят по осени считают.

Считай, баба, цыплятпо осени, а, мужик, меряй хлеб по весне.

Кончил дело – гуляй смело.

Не делите шкуру неубитого медведя.

Man soll die Kucklein nicht zählen, bevor sie ausgekrochen sind;

Man muss den Flachs nicht loben, bevor das Leinen gewebt ist;

Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben;

Lobe den Flachs nicht, bevor das Leinen gewoben ist.

Bir şeyin önüne bakma, sonuna bak. Son gülen iyi güler.

الأمور (الأعمال) بخواتيمها    (ლიტ.)

تمام الربيع الصيف     (ლიტ.)

العبرة بالخواتيم     (ლიტ.)

بيدوب التلح وبيبيّن المرج        (სირ. / ლიბან.)

الليل بأخره    (ეგვიპტ.)