Easy come, easy go.
Lightly come, lightly go (Am., Br.).
Quickly come, quickly go (Am., Br.).
Soon gained, soon gone (Br.).
Soon got, soon spent (Am., Br.)
Dishonest gains are losses (Am.).
An evil gain is equal to a loss (Am.).
Evil gotten, evil spent (Am.).
Evil won is evil lost (Am.).
Не who steals will always fail (Am.).
Ill got, ill spent (Am.).
Ill-gotten gains are soon lost (Am.).
Ill-gotten gains never prosper (Br.).
Ill-gotten goods seldom prosper (Am., Br.).
Ill-gotten, ill-spent (Br.).
Ill-gotten wealth never thrives (Br.).
Nothing goes over the devil’s back that doesn’t come back under the devil’s belly (Am.).
What goes over the devil’s back comes under his belly (Am., Br.).
What is got over the devil’s back is spent under his belly (Br.)
Bien volé ne profite jamais
Bien mal acquis ne profite jamais.
Bien mal acquis ne profite pas.
Легко добыто, легко и прожито.
Неправедное как пришло, так и ушло.
С ветру пришло, на ветер и ушло.
Легко пришло, легко ушло.
Вертя пришло, да вертя и пошло. Как пришло, так и ушло.
Пришло махом, ушло прахом.
Худо нажитое впрок не идет.
Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen;
Leichter Gewinn ist bald dahin.
Kolay gelen kolay gider.
Haydan gelen huya gider.
Yel gibi gelen sel gibi gider.
Bir anda var bir anda yok olur.
Haydan gelen huya gider, sudan gelen sele gider.
Haramın temeli binası olmaz. Davul ile gelen zurna ile gider.
Sel ile gelen yel ile gider. Bir anda var bir anda yok olur