Dishonest gains are losses (Am.).
An evil gain is equal to a loss (Am.).
Evil gotten, evil spent (Am.).
Evil won is evil lost (Am.).
Не who steals will always fail (Am.).
Ill got, ill spent (Am.).
Ill-gotten gains are soon lost (Am.).
Ill-gotten gains never prosper (Br.).
Ill-gotten goods seldom prosper (Am., Br.).
Ill-gotten, ill-spent (Br.).
Ill-gotten wealth never thrives (Br.).
What goes over the devil’s back comes under his belly (Am., Br.).
What is got over the devil’s back is spent under his belly (Br.)
Le meuilleur repas c’est d’un homme honnete .
Праведно добытый кусок – сладок.
Потом добытый кусок сладок.
Потом добытый кусок – сладкий (абхаз.).
Besser arm in Ehren als reich in Schanden.
Besser gutlos als ehrlos.
Ehre ist besser als Gold und Silber.
Helal ise hesap,haram ise azap.
Helal tencere fıkır fıkır, haram tencere fakır fakır kaynar