A little along is better than a long none (Am.)
The hardest job is no job (Am.).
The hardest work is to do nothing (Br.).
Не has hard work indeed who has nothing to do (Am.).
Не has hard work (works hard) who has nothing to do (Br.).
It is more painful (pain) to do nothing than /to do/ something (Br.).
The lazy man takes the most pain (Am.).
A lazy man works the hardest (Am.)
Il vaut mieux avoir un travail le plus dur que rester sans aucun travail.
Un travail acharné vaut mieux que ne rien faire.
Чем ленится, лучше дело плохо делать.
Лучше плохо делать, чем вообще не делать.
Маленькое дело лучше большого безделья.
Schlechte Kleider sind leichter abzulegen als schlechte Sitten.
Unwillig macht schlechte Arbeit
Boş duracağına, komşunun tavuğunu taşla.
Boş duracağına beleş çalış.
Boş durma beleş işle.
Boş durma,boşa çalış.