Turn something to good account.
Turn something to one’s advantage.
Le cheval désireux est toujours chargé
Make yourself an ass and everyone will lay a sack on you.
All lay load (loads) on a willing horse (Br.).
All lay the load on the willing horse (Am.).
Everyone lays a burden on the willing horse (Am.).
Не that makes himself an ass must not complain if men ride him (Am.).
The willing horse carries the load (Am.)
Qui se fâche, a tort.
На дураках воду возят.
Работа дураков любит.
Man ruft den Esel nicht anders zu Hofe, als wenn er Säcke tragen soll.
Eşeği düğüne çağırmışlar, „Ya odun eksik ya su“ demiş.
Eşeği düğüne okumuşlar, „Ya su eksiktir ya odun“ demiş.