Butter to butter is no relish (Br.).
Too good is stark nought (Br.).
Too much of a good thing is worse than none at all (Am.).
Too much of one thing is good for nothing (Br.)
All sunshine makes a desert (Am.).
Enough is as good as a feast (Am., Br.).
Enough is enough, and too much spoils (Br.).
Enough of a good thing is plenty (Am.).
Lick honey with your little finger (Br.).
More than enough is too much (Am.).
Nothing in excess is best (Am.).
Plenty is no dainty (Br.).
There is a measure in all things (Am., Br.).
Too much in the vessel bursts the lid (Am.).
Too much of a good thing /is good for nothing/ (Br.).
Too much of a good thing /is worse than none at all/ (Am.).
Too much water drowned the miller (Br.).
Without measure medicine will become poison (Am.)
Снег красив, да ноги стынут (осет.).
Масло по маслу не приправа.
Хорошего понемножку.
Блины, и те надоедают.
И калачи приедаются.
Im Winter ist der Schnee billig.
Aus Schnee wird nichts als Wasser.
Her parlayan altın değildir.
Tatlı dil çok adam aldatır.
Mürai sözüne kanma.
El adamı sulu dereye götürür de susuz getirir.
Kar erir, ayaza çıkar.