The cobbler must stick to his last (Br.). Every man as his business lies (to his business, to his craft) (Br.). Every man to his trade (Am., Br.).
If you are a cock, crow; if a hen, lay eggs (Am.).
Let every man do what he was made for (Br.).
Let not the cobbler go beyond his last (Br.).
Let the cobbler stick to his last (Am., Br.).
A shoemaker should stick to his last (Br.).
Shoemaker, stick to your last (to your shoes) (Am.)b) As a bear has no tail, for a lion he will fail (Br.).
Everyone to his equal (Am.). Every sheep with its like (Am.).
Geese with geese, and women with women (Br.).
Keep to your own kind (Am.).
Tigers and deer do not stroll together (Am.)
Ou la chèvre est attachée, il faut qu’elle broute.
Ворона с места, а сокол на место.
Всему свое время и место.
Не в свои сани не садись.
Не садись черт в боярские сани.
Не суйся в ризы, коль не поп.
Всяк сверчок знай свой шесток.
Знай, кошка, свое лукошко.
Schuster, bleib bei deinem Leisten;
Es können nicht alle nahe am Feuer sitzen;
Auf hohen Stühlen sitzt man schlecht;
Was deines Amtes nicht ist, davon laß die Finger (da laß deinen Vorwitz);
Was nützt ein guter Platz, wenn man nichts zu essen hat;
Wärme dich, solange du beim Feuer sitzt;
Wer weggeht, verliert seinen Platz;
Wer gut sitzt, der rücke nicht.
Yerini herkes bilmeli.
Yerini bilmeyen, yılda bir kat elbise ziyade eskitir.
Yerli itin kuyruğu dik olur.