A bird is known by his note and a man by his talk (Am., Br.).
The bird is known by its note, and the man by his words (Br.).
A bird is known by its song (Br.).
Conversation makes the man (Br.).
Speech is the index of the mind (Am., Br.).
Speech is the picture of the mind (Br.).
Tell an ox by his horns, but a man by his word (Am.).
Your tongue is your ambassador (Am., Br.)
A bird may be known by its song.
Au chant on connait l’oiseau.
On reconnaît un oiseau par son chant.
Знать птицу по перьям, а молодца по речам.
Птичка крыльями гордится, женщина – мужем.
Птица крыльями сильна, жена мужем красна.
Красна пава перьем, а жена мужем.
Mann und Weib sind ein Leib.
Was Gott zusammengefügt hat, soll derMensch nicht scheiden.
Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern.
Mann und Frau sind derselbe Satan.
Ehen werden im Himmel geschlossen
An den Federn erkennt man den Vogel.
Kocasız karı, beysiz arı.
Kocadır gül eder, kocadır kül eder.
Kuş kanadına kira istemez.
Kuş kanadını, er atını sever.
Kuş kanadıyla murada erer.
Kuşa kanadı ağırlık etmez.