Ask your purse what you should buy (Am.).
Cut the coat according to the cloth (Am.).
Cut your coat according to your cloth (Br.).
Limit your wants by your wealth (Br.).
Make your pudding according to your plums (Am.).
Put your hand no farther than your sleeve will reach (Am., Br.).
Stretch your arm no farther than your sleeve will reach (Am., Br.).
Stretch your legs according to the length of your blanket (Am.).
Stretch your legs according to your coverlet (Br.).
You must cut your garment according to the cloth (Am.)
Le riche mange quand il a faim le pauvre quand il trouve de quoi manger.
По одежке протягивай ножки.
Живи не так, как хочется, а так, как можется
Не можешь, как хочешь, де лай, как можешь
По приходу и расход держи
Iß, was du hast, und denke was du willst.
Man muß sich nach dem Beutel richten.
Man muß sich nach der Decke strecken.
Zenginin lokması yağlı olur.