დაბრკოლების გადალახვა, საქმის მოგვარება, გადარჩენა, მიზნის მიღწევა.
To break the back of,
To clear a hurdle,
To clear an obstacle,
To give a leg up,
To overcome an obstacle,
To take a hurdle.
To fit the ax in the helve,
To fit the ax on the helve,
To fit the axe in the helve,
To put the ax in the helve,
To put the ax on the helve,
To put the axe in the helve,
To gain point,
To reach a goal.
Vaincre la résistance
Vaincre un obstacle.
Atteindre son but,
Parvenir au but,
Marquer le coup
Преодолеть препятствие.
Достигнуть цели.
Sein Ziel erreichen;
seine Absicht erreichen;
seinen Kopf durchsetzen;
eine Sache wird gemeistert/vollendet.
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