As is the gardener, so is the garden (Am.).
As is the workman, so is his work (Am.).
As is the workman, so is the work (Br.).
Like author, like book (Br.).
Like carpenter, like chips (Am.).
Such a bird, such a nest (Am.).
Such bird, such nest (Br.).
Such carpenter, such chips (Br.)
Tel jardinier, tel jardin .
Tel oiseau, u tel nid .
Tel charpentier, tel puces.
Каковы были скачки, так и лошади бежали (досл.).
Каков пастух, таково и стадо.
Каков сад, таковы и яблоки.
Wie der Meister, so das Werk.
Wie der Abeiter, so die Arbeit.
Wie die Saat, so die Ernte.
Wie der Vogel, so das Ei.
Wie der Mann, so der Hut.
Bal da bir bahası da bir.
Cins cins çeker.