Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.
The common horse is worst shod (Am., Br.).
A pot that belongs to many is ill stirred and worse boiled (Br.).
A public hall is never swept (Br.).
Two captains will sink the (will wreck a) ship (Am.)
Many commanders sink the ship (Br.).
Many physicians have killed the king (Br.).
A pig that has two owners is sure to die of hunger (Br.).
Too many cooks spoil the brew (the stew) (Am.).
Too many cooks spoil the broth (Am., Br.).
Too many fingers (hands) spoil the pie (Am.).
Too many hands in the pot make poor soup (Am.).
Where every man is master, the world goes to wrack (Am., Br.).
With seven nurses a child will be without eyes (Am.)
L’affaire de tout le monde et la résponsabilité de personne
Plus il y a de cuisiniers, moins la soupe est bonne.
Trop de cuisiniers gâtent la sauce.
À trop surveiller, on finit par ne rien voir.
Chez sept nourrices l’enfant sans yeux.
La barque qui a plusieurs pilotes court droit au naufrage.
У семи нянек дитя без глаз.
У семи пастухов не стадо.
Видно велик городок, что семь воевод.
У одной овечки, да семь пастухов.
В доме, где много петухов, поздно наступает утро (турецк.).
Где много пастухов, там овцы дохнут.
Viele Hirten, schlecht gehütet.
Viele Koche verderben den Brei.
Evde iki avrat olunca/iki avratlı ev süpürülmeden kalır. Nerde çokluk orda bokluk.